simple Webcam setup consists of a digital camera attached
to your computer, typically through the USB port. The camera
part of the Webcam setup is just a digital camera there's
really nothing special going on there. The "Webcam"
nature of the camera comes with the software. Webcam software
"grabs a frame" from the digital camera at a preset
interval and transfers it to another location for viewing.
If you're interested in using your Webcam for streaming video,
you'll want a Webcam system with a high frame rate. Frame
rate indicates the number of pictures the software can grab
and transfer in one second. For streaming video, you need
a minimum rate of at least 15 frames per second (fps), and
30 fps is ideal. To achieve high frame rates, you need a high-speed
Internet connection.
Needs of Webcamera
In order to create a simple Webcam, you need three things:
A camera of some sort connected to your computer
A piece of software that can grab a frame from the camera
A way to broadcast your images on the Web